„Simplícity is the glory of expression.” Walt Witman
I have been dealing with international commercial mediation. Currently I am property manager/developer and property appraiser. I am surely convinced that the appropriate decision comes from well prepared certain quantity and quality of information. This is exactly what is needed for a foreign tradesman or owner (property developer) in the Hungarian market of immovables. Property managers also are in need of being trained in English courses to communicate properly with foreign owners or tenants.
The training session organised and taught by me is preparing the students – colleagues (property managers), foreign property owners in Hungary to be well aware of the special rules of the Hungarian day-by-day owner life, and gives perfect insights to the Hungarian market.
The course aims at giving suitable infos for property managers as well as foreign owners for the sake of being able dealing with Hungarian property managers in daily problems, reaching th ebest profitable way of keeping the value of their flat, or making the best rate of profit out of it.
My e-mail: doroteva@gmail.com